Art in accordance with the laws of the United States to create artistic images, human-centered social life make sense and reason, emotion and awareness, individuality and a general reflection of the unity, to create the performance according to the life and feelings of combining the image of and aesthetic work of art is the most prominent feature.

A-CD 0001
杂志手提包 -
Magazine Bag

A-CD 0002
迷你针织鞋 - Mini knitted shoes

A-CD 0003
小帆船 - Small Boat

A-CD 0004
小金鹿 - Gold Deer

A-CD 0005
情侣狗 - Couples Dog

A-CD 0006
亲亲小猪猪 - Kiss Litter Pig

A-CD 0007
小飞机 - Aircraf

A-CD 0008
熊猫小书签 - Mini Panda Bookmark

A-CD 0009
迷你旗袍服 -
Mini Cheongsam

A-CD 0010
龙凤筷子 - Dragon Chopsticks

A-CD 0011
开盖器 - Bottle Opener

A-CD 0012
迷你葫芦酒 - Mini Gourd Wine

A-CD 0013
迷你鞋 - Mini Shoe

A-CD 0014
纽西兰装饰盘 - New Zealand Decoration

A-CD 0015
小吊饰 - Decoration